Distributed storage is easier now: usability from Ceph Luminous to Nautilus

C1 | Mon 21 Jan | 1:30 p.m.–1:50 p.m.

Presented by

  • Tim Serong

    Tim spends most of his time working for SUSE, hacking on Ceph and related technologies. He has spoken about high availability and distributed storage at several previous LCAs. In his spare time he wrangles pigs, chickens, sheep and ducks, and was declared by one colleague "teammate most likely to survive the zombie apocalypse".


Distributed storage is *still* complicated, but the Ceph project has put significant effort into making life easier for administrators and users over the past year. Following on from Sage Weil's LCA 2018 presentation "Making distributed storage easy: usability in Ceph Luminous and beyond", this talk covers the changes we have made in the meantime, including major enhancements to the in-tree Ceph dashboard, centralised configuration management, placement group merging, and the beginnings of a new orchestrator module to tie in with Kubernetes, Salt and Ansible. The Ceph Mimic release in June 2018 includes much of the above work, but we still have plenty more to do for the upcoming Ceph Nautilus release and beyond. Linux Australia: http://mirror.linux.org.au/pub/linux.conf.au/2019/c1/Monday/Distributed_storage_is_easier_now_usability_from_Ceph_Luminous_to_Nautilus.webm YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-ncl2_jsi8